November 09, 2009

Susurrus, Andromeda


If it benefits the other
I can wait it out
For something that seeks a southern trace

That finds its way to me
Almost a compass
Almost a natural monument

...This walk...
Pasty... Gorilla...Yes...

Lit with charisma
Guiding me to it
Trusting in this pull

You see it jut out of the horizon
Its rockiness and green
An honesty of semblance

...Fryers...Friars...J walking...

I saw the truth
After the idea left its mark
And I am alone

Andromeda Strain


I thought of you every time:
Ma, you said to me
Jus' this right way an' that wrong way

'Stead, you sold me down the river
An' nobody but me know now
What a queen I held

Inside, can't hold it
I'm holdin' the bars
I jus' don't unnerstand MA!

Dinner isn't comin' yet
I jus' run two miles
The girls laugh at me

Ma, lissen now
You don' see me
But I see you
I'm so scared!


Oh, her, sort of
She's a blunt knife
Has my uncouth ways...
Reminds me when I did those kinds of things

I can't explain
How she really was
I barely remember her
I barely remember a lot of things

All I know now
From waking and waking
And not an ounce of satisfaction
Is how I carried her and how warm she was

That's how it was
Her face is smudged
And I can't get it back
The back of my head is too far for me to reach

I'm sorry a lot of times
The world makes me sorry a lot
But she just doesn't know
How sorry I could have been for forgetting her


Tire paper, brass strings, and paint clay

The man has jaundice
I can't bear to look at him
Any more than helplessly
Watching a comedy fail miserably

The man has jaundice
I finally open my eyes to him
I look and abhor at the sickly skin
Yet, I saw a glimmer, a brief glimmer

I can't bear to look at him
How I am reminded of those
Ports and carriages that steal away
And the myrrh skies teeming with bloated stars
Poseidon's brew, a majestic continuity

Any more than helplessly
Is what I had thought
Till my eyes opened
Addressed a miscalculation that was steeply costing

Watching a comedy fail miserably
I laughed and he laughed
We both knew, circumstance could pull fools to wisdom
I sat at the edge of the cliff
He held my hand, it was soft and strong


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